Meet Heather Gold, LCSW

I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) whose passion is to help people create an improved quality of life and a healthy environment through organizing.

Helping others in chaos and finding order is a path that is very comfortable for me to navigate. As an LCSW, my passion is to help people create an improved quality of life and a healthy environment through organizing. It can be overwhelming when clutter starts taking over the physical space but it also diminishes the mental and emotional state of individuals causing paralysis and stagnation. My ability to see the potential, which guides the work I do with individuals, helping them understand where they are at the present moment and then giving them the direction to create results.

When I walk into a room and meet people, I have no judgment - I see only the potential. I know that changes and events can cause stagnation and clutter, but that doesn’t mean these have to consume a person, which can lead to stress and anxiety. I provide the motivation and guidance to help people organizing for better quality of life. I am someone who believes that my disability has shaped my positive outlook on life and combined with my empathic nature this provides me the ability to teach people how to become empowered.